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Top tips to lower A1C levels fast and effectively

Top tips to lower A1C levels fast and effectively

Blood sugar testing at home is a useful and important tool for assessing the progress of lowering the blood sugar levels, on a day to day basis. But the problem is that these tests can only offer a snapshot of the present condition without any long-term information. That is the reason why your doctor might ask you to undergo the A1C test once in two to three months.
Treatment options for hypertension

Treatment options for hypertension

Hypertension or high blood pressure is essentially the rise in the blood pressure levels, which is higher than 140 over 90 mmHg. While some of the common causes of hypertension include unhealthy eating habits, lack of physical fitness or activity, intake of alcohol, tobacco use, high intake of salt in daily meals, to name a few, there are some other reasons too associated with hypertension.
Treatment for Metastatic Breast Cancer

Treatment for Metastatic Breast Cancer

Metastatic breast cancer is a kind of breast cancer that has spread to other organs or lymph nodes surrounding the breast. Although incurable, there is treatment which can delay its progression and relieve its symptoms. Metastatic breast cancer patients usually survive for 18 to 24 months. Metastatic Breast Cancer Symptoms Metastatic breast cancer signs depend on the organs or parts of the body to which the cancer has progressed.
Tips to lower high blood pressure

Tips to lower high blood pressure

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is the high pressure or tension in the arteries. Blood pressure readings comprise of two numbers. The number on the top is the systolic blood pressure. It denotes the tension in the arteries as the heart contracts. The number at the bottom is the diastolic blood pressure.
Top of foot pain: Causes and remedies

Top of foot pain: Causes and remedies

Pain on top of the foot can really disturb our daily lives, affecting actions like walking, running, and simply standing. Our feet are one of the hardest worked parts of our bodies with each step, a force of 1.5 times body weight goes through the foot. It comes as no surprise that about 75% of Americans have foot pain at some point in their lives.
Treat canker sores with these popular home remedies

Treat canker sores with these popular home remedies

Our body is no stranger to different ailments and disorders that render us incapacitated for some time. These ailments are usually taken care of by the medicines or by age-old home remedies. But, one cannot deny the fact that though the misery stretches only for a day or two, it feels like an eternity.
Turmeric: The most beneficial treatment for arthritis

Turmeric: The most beneficial treatment for arthritis

Recent researches show that curcumin, which is the active ingredient in the culinary arts possesses potential anti-inflammatory as well as anti-arthritic properties. Many pieces of research found that a highly bio available form of curcumin is very effective in helping the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis compared to the NSAIDs. How does arthritis affect Americans?
Treatment options for various causes of kidney pain

Treatment options for various causes of kidney pain

Unlike lower back pain, kidney pain is usually experienced as a pain around the kidney located in the upper abdomen. It can be due to several reasons. In some case, the pain may extend to flaks or the area around the groin. Primary causes of kidney pain : Kidney infection Hydronephrosis i.e., swelling in the kidney due to accumulation of urine caused by a blockage Kidney stones Polycystic kidney disease Bleeding in your kidney Bleeding in kidney veins Kidney cysts Kidney tumor or kidney cancer The treatment of kidney pain would depend o your diagnosis.