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The third stage of kidney disease

The third stage of kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease is a gradual effect of kidney damage, which can happen either due to physical injuries or some other health complications such as high blood pressure and high blood sugar. Once the kidneys become damaged, they tend to be dysfunctional and are not able to filter blood or perform other functions, which would keep the affected individual healthy.
Tips for maintaining a healthy heart

Tips for maintaining a healthy heart

Heart is one of the main body organs, and one must take care of this life-giving organ. The number of heart patients, across the world, is increasing at a rapid rate, and heart diseases of various sorts have become common. Thus, it is high time we must learn the right ways to take good care of this pumping organ.
The importance of monitoring your calorie intake

The importance of monitoring your calorie intake

A calorie is a unit that measures energy content in food and beverages. Every human being needs to consume certain amount of calories for a balanced living. The amount of calorie intake differs for men and women and also differs according to an individual’s situation. For a balanced diet, on an average, a man needs to consume around 2,500 calories and a woman needs about 2,000 calories per day.
The early 5 signs and symptoms of diabetes

The early 5 signs and symptoms of diabetes

The pancreas is the organ that produces the insulin hormone. This hormone allows the cells to absorb glucose from the food you eat and also helps to store glucose for future use. The amount of glucose present in your blood is known as blood sugar concentration, and this can be higher or lower depending on your health.
The risk factors that may cause breast cancer

The risk factors that may cause breast cancer

Breast cancer is a condition that popularly affects women. It affects 1 in 8 women and the number is rapidly increasing. And although found in more women, men too can be affected by this condition. The breast cancer is one that forms in the cells of the breast. There are several symptoms that are related to this condition.
Tips for a multiple sclerosis diet

Tips for a multiple sclerosis diet

The nerve fibers in the body of people suffering from multiple sclerosis get damaged. This is because multiple sclerosis damages the layer of myelin present on the nerve fiber, a substance that protects nerves and helps in transmitting signal throughout the body. Multiple sclerosis is one of the common neurological diseases in young adults.
The symptoms and causes of a fallen bladder

The symptoms and causes of a fallen bladder

The bladder is encompassed by the pelvis and carries out the function of storing urine in the body. When an individual feels the urge to urinate, it is the bladder that is pressurized by the filling of urine. While urinating, the fluid passes through the bladder before getting flushed out of the body.
Things you should know about diabetic ketoacidosis

Things you should know about diabetic ketoacidosis

Diabetic Ketoacidosis is referred to a condition which results in an increased buildup of acids in your blood the cause being high blood sugar levels. The condition can become quite severe unless medical attention and a proper course of treatment is administered. Insulin is the main component in your body which signals the liver to store excess glucose levels, which is then released when the blood glucose levels gradually reduce.