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6 Alzheimer’s symptoms you should be aware of

6 Alzheimer’s symptoms you should be aware of

Imagine if you couldn’t remember how to get home from the supermarket or if you couldn’t recall your best friend’s name. Frustrating isn’t it? Memory loss is a characteristic early symptom of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s is the most common mental disorder to affect people. Though there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease as yet, an early diagnosis can help doctors slow the progression of the disease and improve the patient’s quality of life.
The most common symptoms of Alzheimer’s

The most common symptoms of Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease is a neurological condition that destroys brain cells. This leads to memory loss and various cognitive problems. Alzheimer’s symptoms progress slowly but worsen with time. Once the disease affects brain functions, the condition of patients keeps getting worse. Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer’s disease disrupts brain function and affects memory.
Colon Cancer: Top 3 Signs and Related Symptoms

Colon Cancer: Top 3 Signs and Related Symptoms

Cancer can affect any part of the body where there is a growth of abnormal cells which may lead to manifestations like a tumor. Colon cancer is one such kind of cancer that starts in the colon of the patient. This is the small tract that lies between the intestines and the anus.
How to deal with children suffering from ADHD

How to deal with children suffering from ADHD

Child ADHD As a parent, have you noticed that your kid is lacking attention and seems to be living in a world of his own? Did you also notice that your child often appear to be distracted and his answers are vague and not forthcoming? These are some of the common traits that a child experiences at some point of time and these symptoms usually go away as they age.
How to recognise and treat ADHD in children

How to recognise and treat ADHD in children

Getting children to pay attention to their school work is usually a difficult task, but some children find it difficult to focus on even those activities that aren’t related to school work. In most cases, these children are said to be suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). There are three main types of ADHD:
Laser spine institute near you

Laser spine institute near you

Spinal Stenosis in simple terms can be explained as the narrowing of the spinal cord which requires a number of lab test and diagonostics and is chronic which means it will last for a long time. The common symptoms usually noticed are pain in the back, thighs, buttock, walking abnormally, muscle cramping or weakness, reduced sensation of touch in the leg amongst others.
All you need to know about ADHD

All you need to know about ADHD

About ADHD Pay attention- These are the words that everyone would have heard at some point of time in their early life especially from their kindergarten teacher. However once in an adult stage people are expected to be serious and also have their concentration in its peak at all times.
How to recognize and treat ADHD in adults

How to recognize and treat ADHD in adults

When it comes to concentrating on a task, everyone has a different threshold. However, for some people, this threshold is extremely low and they cannot stay focused on one task for more than a few minutes. This is one of the primary symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Contrary to popular belief, this condition not only affects children, but also continues to affect their lives as they grow into adults.