Different Types of Ring Doorbells That You Can Buy
A ring doorbell is a simple device, which is now available in a variety of designs, styles, and technology. It also covers a broad range of needs like special doorbell for people with special needs and customized doorbells to fit the particular décor of a home. Here is a guide that will help you decide how to surprise your guests when they ring the doorbell at your house.
Wired doorbells
These type of doorbells are traditional doorbells that make a sound, which is triggered by a switch located inside the doorbell button. The switch inside the button triggers a mechanism that results in the production of sound on the other end.

Wireless doorbells
These doorbells have been around for quite some time now and they have changed how we ring doorbells by changing the whole setup. These doorbells can be placed exactly like the wired doorbells: outside the door but their speaker can be placed at random places in the house to increase the hearing range.
Smart doorbells
These doorbells come in both wired and wireless models. The wireless models connect to your home Wi-Fi while the wired doorbells connect to the phone’s Ethernet. While buying a smart doorbell, you have to ensure that it is compatible with your smart-phone; otherwise, you won’t be able to use most of the features offered by this smart device. Smart doorbells let you watch videos of your door while you were away. It also offers features like built-in night vision, live view, zoom, and two-way speakers, which let you talk to a visitor standing at your door.